Horowpothane Pradeshiya Sabha



Pradeshiya Sabha

About Us

History of Horowpothana

According to historical records, Horowpothana was first inhabited about 4000 years ago. This has been confirmed by the archeological excavations carried out at a burial ground in the village of Sinhala Walahaviddawewa in the Horowpothana area. The Kiralagala Sacred Area, a many year old historical site located in the Horowpothana area, and the ancient Gana Devi Kovil in the Horowpothana town showcase its past glory. Wahalkada Reservoir Horowpothana Mahawewa Ancient archeological evidences show that the Horowpothana catchment area consisting of ancient reservoirs and about 100 small tanks was a fertile settlement area which was rich in agriculture and irrigation technology in the past.
  • Sports flour
  • Ayurvedic Centers
  • Schools
  • Archaeological sites
  • Libraries
  • Preschool
  • Common Market
  • Public cemeteries
  • Police stations
  • Maternity clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Weekly fair